photo credit: aaron greene
molly flanagan
I am a Storytelling Family Photographer based out of the South Carolina Upstate and I travel the country and beyond telling stories for families-- Documenting real life in an artistic manner.
Discovering my passion in photography has been a very personal journey. My first few years as a stay-at-home mom were quite a struggle (beginning with the moment I learned that I did not have a drop of “maternal instinct” in my postpartum body). I felt trapped in my home and overwhelmed by all the new and complex responsibilities that came along with being a mother. I began to use my camera to cope with this new self-sacrificing lifestyle, and through photography and lots of prayer, I learned to (sometimes) find contentment in living life with little ones. This zeal for the home trickled over into my client work, where eventually I began focusing completely on storytelling everyday life in the home.