This winter I took some pictures of a carseat safety class at the Anderson Care Pregnancy Clinic here in Anderson, South Carolina. Every month they offer free classes on a wide range of topics like budgeting, parenting, and even fun crafting classes. They also have a little boutique where women participating in their counseling program are able to earn credits to "purchase" beautiful baby items. If you live locally and ever have left over baby things (clothes, cribs, diapers, baby food, etc.) please consider donating your items to Anderson Care Pregnancy Clinic. This is a great organization and I am so proud to be working with them!
Although I was only there to take pictures during the carseat safety class, I found myself raising my hand to ask questions when they discussed when kids are old enough to ride without a booster seat. I learned that the lap belt should rest against the child's pelvic bones... not across their belly. This seems like a no-brainer now that I think about it, but if the seatbelt is going across the soft part of a child's belly, even a small fender bender could cause damage to their organs. Anyway, just a free parenting tip to go along with these pictures. You're welcome!

Click here to see another local event
Other things -- I am booking Family Sessions or in-person mentorships on Long Island, NY in July. And also in July, stay tuned for a special class I will be offering at DEFINE.